Carmen Bogan

is a children’s author, publisher, and frequent speaker. Her picture book, "Where’s Rodney?" (Yosemite Conservancy, 2017) illustrated by the award-winning artist, Floyd Cooper, was a starred Kirkus Best Picture Book of the Year, a Junior Library Guild selection, which received numerous glowing reviews. The sequel to "Where’s Rodney?" is "Tasha’s Words," slated for publishing by Yosemite Conservancy in 2023. Carmen is now writing her first middle grade novel, "Fly Like Frankie."
A recipient of the New Voices Award from Lee & Low Books, Carmen is a staunch children’s literacy advocate who believes that all children deserve to read about characters that reflect their own lives, dreams, and cultures. In 2015, she launched Dream on Publishing, a boutique publisher of multicultural children’s books, releasing the picture book, "Granny, Who Is God? which she also aut...
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"Tasha’s Voice"
Published by the Yosemite Conservancy

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